With over twenty years of website creation and technical writing expertise, MFM Consulting is can help make your next project a success. Whether you need a blog post discussing the benefits of your product or ad copy for a brochure or end user documentation, MFM can help.
Don’t assume your graphic designer can create good ad copy, and don’t rely on your developers to write your end user documentation. Hire the right professional for the right job.
Who We Are
MFM began as a software development company creating applications for the engineering field, then later, the Real Estate market. Core to our application development philosophy was documentation, both internal and end-user. As the Internet emerged in the early 1990’s, MFM added website development to our list of services, which led to creating website copy for our clients who didn’t have the expertise in-house.
As the website developmentĀ evolved, allowing anyone to create beautiful sites, with easy-to-use tools, MFM was ableĀ to shift focus from the underlying software to the end-user experience. With today’s web users looking for less flash and more substance, website copy has become more important than ever.
Why MFM?
MFM has been in the business of helping other companies and organizations for almost three decades. With a strong background in software development, we experts in both internal technical documentation and end-user guides. With our experience in website development, we understand how people use websites and can help you develop copy that isn’t just filler, but both SEO-friendly and useful for your customers.
Successful business owners understand the need to focus on their core business and offload other tasks to those best suited for them. Don’t struggle over your writing project. Hire a professional to do it for you.